Thread cutting HSS TOOLS

HSS Hand taps DIN 352
Features- HSS DIN 352
- 3pcs. hand taps set: taper, intermediate and bottom taps
- with metric-ISO-thread straight flute
- surface: bright
- For blind holes and through holes in materials up to 900N/mm2

HSS short machine taps DIN 352
Features- HSS DIN 352
- short
- surface : bright
- straight flute
- materials up to 900N/mm2
- for manual tapping (with wrenches) or tapping with portable and stationary power tools

Adjustable tap wrench DIN 1814
Features- HSS DIN 1814
- surface: bright
- with two jaw chucks for holding square-shanks
- with two grips (one of them removable)
- Holding system for hand taps

Tap wrench with ratchet
Features- surface: chrome plated
- for right and left-hand use
- in long and short versions
- FFor hand taps

Machine taps DIN 371 B
Features- HSS DIN 371 & HSS DIN 376
- Form B
- with gun entry
- with metric-ISO-thread
- surface: bright
- for through holes in materials up to 800N/mm2

Machine taps DIN 371 C 35°
Features- HSS DIN 371 & HSS DIN 376
- Form C
- helical 35° spiral-flute
- with metric-ISO-thread
- surface: bright
- for blind holes in materials up to 800N/mm2

Machine taps DIN 371 B Cobalt
Features- HSS-E DIN 371 & HSS-E DIN 376
- Form B
- with gun entry
- with metric-ISO-thread
- surface: bright
- for through holes in materials up to 1000N/mm2

Machine taps DIN 371 C 35° Cobalt
Features- HSS-E DIN 371 & HSS-E DIN 376
- Form C
- helical 35° spiral-flute
- with metric-ISO-thread
- surface: bright
- for blind holes in materials up to 1000N/mm2

HSS dies DIN 223
Features- HSS DIN 223B = EN 22568
- with metric-ISO-thread
- round dies
- with gun entry
- For steels up to 800N/mm2

HSS dies DIN 25X9 mm
Features- HSS DIN 25x9mm
- dies with diameter 25mm
- with metric-ISO-thread
- surface: bright
- For steels up to 800 N/mm2

Dies stock DIN 225
Features- HSS DIN 225
- with clamping screw
- with galvanized steel handles
- For direct adaptation of dies